There is nothing funny about poop. However, poop puns often steal the show and they make everything hilarious. What begins as a private affair seems to have so much fun in it that you can’t afford to remain emotionless at the sight of poop puns such as those described below.
Best Poop Puns
1. If you call me a party animal, don’t be upset when I poop on the dance floor.
2. What do you call poop that comes out by there is no evidence of it in the toilet? That is ghost poop.
3. Have you heard about the sequel known as diarrhoea? Yes, I have, it is the one that leaked before the official release date hence it had to be released early.
4. Clean poop is when you poop but there is nothing on the toilet paper.
5. Did you get to watch the new movie known as constipation? It never came out.
6. Yesterday I took about 4 cans of alphabet soup. What followed was probably the biggest vowel movement ever.
7. Is diarrhoea hereditary? I am not sure unless there is evidence that it runs in genes.
8. The poop told the fart, “you blow me away.”
9. The beginning of life is when you poop, and everybody cheers you then drastically it goes downhill from there.
10. Whoever tells you that they are constipated is simply full of crap.
11. Have you heard the story of the constipated composer? He had issues with his last movement.
12. The kind of poop that makes you strain so much to the point of practically having a stroke before it gets out is known as brain haemorrhage poop.
13. The constipated mathematician decided to work it out with a pencil.
14. What do you refer to a king’s fart? Noble gas.
15. When you poop in your overalls, you end up with dung-arees.
16. Children are much like fart, when they are your own they are bearable, but for others can be horrendous.
17. Two flies had a conversation, then they came across poop and one asked the other, is this stool taken?
18. The true measure of bravery is chancing a fart when you know very well that you have diarrhea.
19. When bears poop in the forest, the smell is un-bear-able.
20. The toilet paper won in Vegas because it was on a roll.
21. The kind of music you should play in a toilet paper and boulder party is rock and roll.
22. The best time to go to the washroom is at poo-thirty.
23. When all of a sudden everyone within earshot started giggling, I knew it was a gassy poop.
24. The appropriate name for Clark Kent with diarrhea is Poop-erman.
25. The reason I don’t want to tell you my poop joke is that I feel it may be too corny.
26. The accountant was too constipated that he simply couldn’t budget.
27. Denzel Washington only hangs out with Rugrats during Potty Training Day.
28. Have you ever pooped and it hurt so much that you feel as if it is leaving you sideways? That’s spinal tap poop.
29. The volcano exploded because it couldn’t find a lava-tory.
30. When you cross a toilet and a bear, you get Winnie the Pooh.
31. The reason they installed toilets at the garbage heap is because many people are fond of dumping there.
32. Before flushing the toilet, the priest was heard saying, holy crap.
33. When plumbers fart, everyone checks for a possible leakage in the sewer system.
34. The only way to get the bathroom unlocked fast is through a doo-key.
35. Broncos fart because it is impossible for them to achieve full horsepower without gas.
36. A private tutor is a person who never farts in public.
37. Ninja farts are silent but extremely deadly.
38. When a dinosaur farts, it is a blast from the past.
39. The poop hugs his girlfriend and says: “We are stinking cute together!”
40. The love for my wife is like diarrhoea. I cannot hold both of them inside.
41. What does a religious poop often say when praying? – “Holy Shit!”
You must be in stitches by now having gone through the poop puns above. The pun journey has just begun and there is so much that awaits you in other pun categories including volleyball puns, cake puns, and fire puns. Browse through and enjoy!