People often say that eyes are the window to our soul. Just by gazing into the eyes of other people, we can tell a lot of thing about their personalities. This is not an overstatement. It is actually backed up by many scientific studies and researches. Understanding the significance of this body part, we have collected a list of the best eye puns to entertain you and your loved one. Let’s check them out and have fun.
Best Eye Puns
1. What do we call a deer without eyes? – No eye deer!
2. The phone wears a pair of glasses because it has just lost all of its contact.
3. Eyes are undoubtedly the most efficient part of our body because they always focus on what matters.
4. Eye doctors are the best ones because they used to be good pupils at school and university.
5. The kid says to his mother: “Mom, I lost my contact lens!”
The mother replies: “I already told you to keep your eye on them!”
6. What is the most favourite musical group of eyes? – The Black Eyed Peas.
7. Which have up to 4 eyes but cannot see anything? – Mississippi!
8. The eye teacher quits her job because she cannot control her pupils.
9. Which type of humour does an optometrist like the most? – It must be eye – rony!
10. The eyeball can learn everything at school so quickly because it has an eye IQ.
11. Your eye pun is so bad that there is no need to lash out.
12. What would make our eyes feel lonely? Eye – solation.
13. A great pick-up line for far-sighted people: “Hey beautiful girl, eye can see you in my future!”
14. During the exam period, all optometry students drink a lot because they believe that alcoholic beverages could double their vision.
15. What does the potato tell his girlfriend? – “Would you tell me more about my beautiful eyes?”
16. The teacher has to wear sunglasses just because his students are so bright.
17. They optometrist wants to visit the beach because she hears that there was plenty of eye candy.
18. Eyes actually do not like wearing glasses because they keep asking to lens some money.
19. The eyelid and eyebrow always fight. They would never see each other eye to eye.
20. The easiest way for a dictator to take a globe is to have a contact lens.
21. Do you know where the eye is located? Somewhere between H and J.
22. When the lens is stopped by the police officer for exceeding the speed, it makes an excuse: “Excuse me sir, but I have been framed for the whole time!”
23. Which game does a frame love playing the most? – Tag
24. Garbage men have a special form of vision. It is called bin-ocular vision.
25. When the retina begins to cry, you will end up with having retinal tears.
26. The eyeball congratulates on the success of its friend by giving him an eye-five
27. What does your left eye say to your right eye? – “You are looking alright!”
28. The eye doctor is so angry with his daughter because he thinks that she is making a spectacle of herself.
29. A fish without eyes is also called a fsh.
30. What does the eye say once it finally has a new pair of glasses? “Eye am back!
31. Do you know the alien that misses one eye? It is called Alen!
32. Hey girl! Your eyes are as blue as the ocean, and I get lost myself at see.
33. Men always find it hard to make eye contact simply because breasts do not have eyes.
34. You would know that eyes are trying to flirt with you when they are going: wink, wink!
35. What does the blonde say to the contact lenses? – “I cannot take my eyes off you!”
36. The vision can come up with an approximate estimate by eyeballing it.
37. Eyeballs like purchasing and using new electronics because they are very eye-tech
38. Who has two asses and one eye? – An assassin.
39. To become a successful eyewear designer, what you need are an eye for the latest st-eye-l.
40. Eye doctors and teachers are similar because they all love testing pupils.
41. The pupil decides to break up with the eyelash because it always lashes out.
42. Optometrists do not want to tell the jokes to their patients because they might break their eyes.
43. What does the left eye say to the right eye? – “There is something that smells between me and you.”
44. It is always a good idea to break the eyes with a few jokes or puns.
45. The optometrist and his wife have just been divorced because they could not see eye to eye!
46. What do eyes often use to listen to music? – Eye – pod!
47. What do eyes often use to call each other? – Eye – phone!
48. Hey beautiful girl. I think you are fireworks because you are lighting up my eyes!
49. Your eye joke would not be any cornea.
50. The main role of eyelashes is to prevent foreign components from penetrating our eyes. However, whenever you have something in your eyes, it is always an eyelash. That is so eye – ronic!
51. My friends always love jokes and puns about the eyes. The cornea the better!
52. Our teacher advises us to wear glasses during the math exam because it would improve our di – vision.
Our eyes never lie. No matter which face you put on, they always show the truth about your soul. With these interesting eye puns, we hope you would value your soul’s windows more and give the best care. If you still want to have more fun, then check out the following posts on head puns, crab puns, as well as travel puns.